Yes, Soy is Healthy!

Fee O'Shea
3 min readOct 9, 2023

Over the years, I’ve often been asked if Soy is healthy, so I continue to bust the myth that it’s bad for you.

I’m going to get one thing out of the way. Who should not be eating Soy? It is recorded that some people have a soy allergy. However, the number is 40 times less than the most common allergens of dairy and about ten times less than all the other common allergens. On that basis — more should be eating soy products than eating dairy — because, yes, soy is healthy!

So let’s get it straight — Soy is good. There’s nothing wrong with Soy in all its forms at all. Don’t get sucked into the misinformation that’s out there.

There is overwhelming evidence that Soy is a great product. If you hear otherwise, you’ll find the writer or speaker is using out-of-date research or the research has been done by animal-based companies fear-mongering.

Soy started being cultivated in China around 3000 years ago, and in the Heilongjiang province, the black soil still produces non-genetically modified, safe and healthy soybeans. Soy was the main protein consumed until 1978, when China opened up and endorsed the consumption of meat, poultry and milk.

Since the mid-90s, the health of the Chinese has been in decline. Rates of heart disease, strokes…



Fee O'Shea

Gold card carrying vegan NZ author. Passionate about all critters (including humans). Can be seen advocating for the animals or speaking at events.