Pigs Raised for Meat

Fee O'Shea
3 min readMay 27, 2024

In the world of industrial animal agriculture, the lives of pigs raised for meat is so often cruel and unjust that it raises ethical concerns from all vegans. Others, who may still consume pork, can also be upset when they hear or see the conditions in factory farms.

The journey from piglet to pork when pigs are raised for meat often involves a litany of procedures and conditions that compromise the well-being and natural behaviours of these intelligent and social animals.

Pain marks the early days of a piglet’s life. Piglets are routinely castrated, a procedure that involves the removal of testicles, most times done without the use of anaesthesia. This painful process is typically performed within the first few days of their lives. The justification for this procedure is to prevent the development of undesirable flavours in the meat, but the cost to the piglet’s well-being is significant. As piglets grow, their living conditions are far from ideal. Many are confined to crowded sheds with minimal space to move and express their natural behaviours. Pigs are known for their intelligence and curiosity, but in these cramped environments, they are denied the opportunity to engage in activities like digging and…



Fee O'Shea

Gold card carrying vegan NZ author. Passionate about all critters (including humans). Can be seen advocating for the animals or speaking at events.