For Your Healthy Journey
Here are 7 healthy foods and why they are a must-have at this time:
1. Capsicums (Bell peppers). An amazing source of vitamin C and beta-carotene — this Vitamin C is involved in many body functions but it also increases the production of antibodies and white blood cells which help our immune system to react against any foreign bodies such as bacteria and viruses. Now the beta-carotene converts to Vitamin A and is essential for regenerating our cells and tissues.
Eat these raw which is best.
BTW way more vitamin C in peppers than in oranges.
2. Garlic. This is super powerful in boosting the immune system. One way it works is by enhancing the immune system by stimulating certain cell types. In other words, it upgrades your immune function and effectiveness during times of need.
Cooked, powdered, raw — any which way garlic will benefit you.
3. Ginger. Has amazing anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-oxidant powers to help boost the immune system. It has way more abilities than these as it also has protective effects on respiratory disorders (and many others) which is good with this particular virus.
Lots of ways you can incorporate it. I put a slice in my peppermint tea and I also use a tea ball in which I put a slice of ginger and lemon then drop it into my water.
Obviously great in a stir-fry or a sauce and you can add it to your smoothie.
4. Turmeric. Tip on this — try to get organic turmeric or at least from a good source. Some turmeric powders have been shown to be adulterated with lead! Make sure you have a bit of black pepper whenever you have this spice. The problem is that the curcumin found in the turmeric is not absorbed well in the body. This is where black pepper comes in. It contains a compound called piperine, which when combined with turmeric, increases the absorption of curcumin by up to an astonishing 2000%.
5. Green Tea. This has been shown to affect several different immune cells (to the better). It is also very good at fighting off the bacteria that cause gingivitis and dental cavities. (of course, nothing beats regular dental visits!). It is anti-bacterial. Now it does contain a bit of caffeine so maybe not a nighttime drink.
6. Berries. An amazing superfood — they contain so many vitamins and minerals especially vitamin C as well as a ton of antioxidants and inflammatory compounds. They help with the stimulation of our immune system because of their high Vit. C content. I do like them in my oatmeal but also in smoothies. Try to have berries every day and frozen are perfect.
7. Cilantro. I know many people don’t really like it, but it does contain a natural antihistamine and a good dose of Vitamin C. along with a heap of antioxidants. Best put into a smoothie if you’re not too keen on it. It can be very polarizing, but if you can learn to like it you’ll be doing yourself a real favour.
8. Sunflower seeds. These are so beneficial because they are high in both zinc and Vitamin E. Both are incredible at helping our immune system. Sprinkle some over your salad or have as in your trail mix.
9. Sauerkraut. Now, most of our immune system resides in our gut and this is where we need to be feeding all the beautiful micro-biomes with, not only fibre but fermented foods as well. Get an organic one or even make your own — very easy.
10. Mushrooms. Shiitake is the best choice of mushroom to boost the immune system due to its high nutrients, such as B vitamins, vitamin D, selenium, niacin, and 7 of the 8 essential amino acids. However, all mushrooms have excellent qualities
These are my top 10, however, food is just one part of a good immune system. I have created a FREE product that you can get which gives you way more ideas. You will be able to create your own Immune Blueprint that you can keep and pull it out when flu season comes round.
Until next time….
Originally published at on May 10, 2020.