Do Labels Mean What They Say?

Understanding the labels on the egg carton.

Fee O'Shea


The egg industry thinks nothing of claiming that a mutilated bird in a cage is ‘happy,’ ‘content,’ and ‘singing,’ yet will turn around and try to intimidate you with accusations of ‘anthropomorphism’ if you logically insist that the bird is miserable.” — Karen Davis.

Image created in Canva by Author

There have been several times people have told me that they only buy free-range eggs and they believe that if the chickens are free-range, they have a much better life than chickens in cages.

Well in a way they do… heck, anything would have a better life if it’s not cramped up living in a cage. But is confinement of any sort just as bad?

So do you know which eggs genuinely are free-range? If all you’ve got to go by is the label on the carton then know that it is indeed a very grey area. So what constitutes free-range?

I think we’d all agree the words’ battery’ ‘caged’ even ‘colony cage’ all mean that the hens are living in cages.

And, ‘barn raised’ or just ‘barn’ would mean that the hens live in a barn and do not go outdoors.



Fee O'Shea

Gold card carrying vegan NZ author. Passionate about all critters (including humans). Can be seen advocating for the animals or speaking at events.