Animals Hiding In Your Food

Sneaky animal by-products.

Fee O'Shea
3 min readJun 22, 2021


Image created by author

There are some foods you would think would be vegan but, in fact, when you begin to understand ingredients, you’ll see that they are not.

Following on from my last article regarding the labelling of ingredients I thought I’d compile a list of foods that have animal by-products hiding within.

How many of these veggie-imposters surprise you?

  1. Beer and Wine, of which most use isinglass in the clarification or fining process. Isinglass is a byproduct of fish swim bladders. It is the last step in the process and is removed before bottling, but traces can remain.
  2. Fruit Juice frequently contains Vitamin D. This is usually derived from lanolin (sheep oil). It can contain Omega-3 sourced from fish oil, and gelatine a protein derived from skin, tendons, ligaments and/or bones. Apple juice is often clarified using isinglass (refer above to Beer and Wine).
  3. Enhanced Breads, you should read the ingredients as like the juices it may include Omega-3 from fish oil. Commercially baked goods may also contain non-vegan ingredients such as milk, eggs, butter, whey, and honey.
  4. Boxed Cake Mix uses beef fat, also called lard, as a…



Fee O'Shea

Gold card carrying vegan NZ author. Passionate about all critters (including humans). Can be seen advocating for the animals or speaking at events.